the team has been in the making for about 3 years and i just now have gotten around to starting it up in jan of '06 and finally
released on 3-20-07. the g.u.s.t. or girls united skate team consists of some of the best talent that you will not find anywhere.
these are some of the elitest and top class skaters that i feel should be promoted and recongized from the web to skateparks
to around the world! it took awhile to come up with a name and it suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks. i basically thought
of the phrase the UNITED states of america and thought to myself hey how about the united girls skateboard team since it will
be a team of united female skateboarders? it makes perfect sense. so thus you have it and we are ready to take the world by
storm and make our existance known and let the world know that we WILL NOT take sexism in skateboarding and if you are a female
skateboarder than you know how it is when you go to your local skatepark and get picked on and teased and guys saying "girls
cant skate!". we are going to take a stand and fight it and we suggest that you do the same! every one of you can make
a difference, if you just get confidence and say to hell with your sexist ideals and speak up and say how you really feel.
girl skaters deserve to be recongized because they are just as good and talented as any guy skater out there and this team
will prove it... you can support the movement by having our stickers on ur board or post them around ur state or put banners
on your website or journals or profile sites and writing it on your board and spray paint it anywhere and everywhere. so be
prepared ladies and gentlemen to be blown away by the g.u.s.t. they can also been seen promoting the g.u.s.t. at contests
and at local spots so if u see one of them stop by and greet them! we leave you with this phrase....